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Master of Education
Awarded by: University of Western Australia, Australia
Duration: 24 months part-time
Teacher Student Ratio-1 to 20

Course Overview

The UWA Master of Education (MEd) programme is designed for those in the education and training field. The programme is taught entirely by faculty members from the Graduate School of Education at UWA. Participants in the programme include educators and trainers both locally as well as in the region. Applicants for the programme must possess a good first degree with at least two years of relevant experience.

Course Structure Details

The MEd degree is a coursework and dissertation paper degree delivered totally by the staff of Graduate School of Education at UWA.


It is a 48 point degree structured as follows:

  • 6 Master’s Units (each worth 6 points) = 36 points

  • Dissertation = 12 points

  • TOTAL = 48 points



Course Curriculum


The Master’s Units for the programme are as follows:


EDUC 5678 – Improving Learning and Teaching in the Curriculum

This unit focuses on (1) national curricula as a phenomenon in a variety of countries; (2) teachers' views on curriculum initiatives in a climate of restructuring and devolution; (3) curriculum and ideology, curriculum as a social construct; (4) the nature of curriculum development, differentiating between curriculum design and curriculum development; (5) the nature of situational analysis, the relationship between situational analysis and curriculum development, Skillbeck's approach to situational analysis; (6) an introduction to different forms of curriculum organisation, the subject-based approach to curriculum organisation, the relationship between a subject-based approach to curriculum organisation and the teaching of thinking skills; (7) organising the curriculum according to pupils' interests, 'themes' or 'topics', and 'integration'; and (8) the nature of the curriculum change process, Vanterpool's principles of curriculum change, and Adams and Chen's proposition on curriculum acceptance and persistence.



Students are able to (1) broadly understand the meaning of the concepts of curriculum design, curriculum development, curriculum implementation, curriculum diffusion, curriculum innovation, curriculum evaluation and curriculum management; (2) understand the contemporary educational scene in Australia, particularly in Western Australia, with respect to each of these concepts; and (3) be aware of the major research questions in Australia in the areas associated with these general concepts and the variety of approaches to researching these curriculum areas.


EDUC 5608 - Integrating Pedagogy and Technology

This unit explores e-learning and m-learning (mobile learning). It focuses on the pedagogical aspects of teaching and learning with computers and mobile technologies. Topics include the latest developments in e-learning, digital literacies and future trends in e-learning and m-learning. Students explore a range of web 2.0 tools and mobile apps in a hands-on manner, focusing on those most relevant to their own teaching practice. Tools and techniques explored may include apps, blogs, chat, data visualisation, digital storytelling, discussion boards, folksonomies, gaming, IM, machinima, microblogging, podcasting, polling, RSS, search, social networking, social sharing, virtual worlds, vodcasting, VOIP and wikis.



Students are able to (1) know and understand current theories and research relating to e-learning, m-learning, digital technologies, web 2.0, social media and mobile apps; (2) know and understand educational theories and frameworks relevant to digital tools and techniques; (3) apply these theories and this research in current and long-term contexts; (4) analyse and evaluate the application of digital tools and techniques to education in general and, in particular, to their own professional context; and (5) create digital innovations in their courses to support learning outcomes, teaching and learning activities, and assessment.


EDUC 5519 - Contemporary Reforms in Education

This unit is concerned with education issues outside the classroom. The unit takes a global overview of Early Childhood, Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Education. The sociocultural and economic dimensions of all these learners are considered. Through an exploration research from the OECD and UNICEF, we trace influences that have led to educational reforms for learners.



Students are able to (1) differentiate approaches to educational provision across various international economic regimes; (2) create a policy statement in a selected educational context; (3) analyse and critique issues in policy development in education and a selected level; (4) critique the use of Human Development theory in global educational reform; and (5) critique Australian policy and legal frameworks governing education at a selected level.


EDUC 5636 - Assessment and Measurement

This objective is for students to develop an understanding of the core concepts of assessment and measurement necessary for systematically investigating student development, designing and constructing assessments, using information from assessments, and evaluating the quality of assessments. The unit is designed so that students have a strong grasp of key issues in designing and using assessments and interpreting student results. It focuses on assessment strategies through which assessments are deliberately constructed to measure particular skills and abilities, data are generated, and inferences drawn. The unit is also designed to provide experience in designing and conducting assessments by using core principles that can be generalised to a wide range of learning areas and contexts including primary and secondary school, vocational educational training and tertiary.

A range of assessment types are covered, including multiple choice, short responses, rubrics, and others. Key concepts such as validity and reliability, formative and summative, and criterion and norm-referenced assessment are covered. The unit is based on a conceptual framework within which to understand core principles of educational assessment and measurement. As principles are explained, actual examples are referred to in order to make the principles and their importance tangible. The materials are structured so that students develop an understanding of all core concepts and principles before focusing on particular areas in essays and the project.



Students are able to (1) explain the core concepts and principles of assessment and measurement theory; (2) apply understanding of concepts and principles to investigate development and progress; (3) design and construct assessments and critique/evaluate assessments and assessment items; (4) apply software to analyse assessment data; and (5) interpret student results.


EDUC 5631 - Approaches to Research

This unit provides an introduction to research methods (quantitative and qualitative). There are four sections: (1) the nature and historical background of research in education; (2) an overview of quantitative research methods; (3) an overview of qualitative research methods; and (4) proposal development and the writing of research reports, with emphasis on master's major paper and theses.



Students are able to (1) demonstrate a broad understanding of the nature of research in education; (2) demonstrate a broad understanding of quantitative and qualitative research methods; and (3) write a high quality research proposal for a master's level project.


EDUC 5612 – Leadership for Learning

Educational leadership is examined in the current global context of change and reform. Leadership approaches are linked with theoretical perspectives about organisations and students are asked to apply insights gained from reading and discussion to their specific work context. Evolving views of educational leadership are examined with a particular emphasis on organisational culture, teaching and learning, the management of change, and developing relationships with the community. Active participation in seminar sessions is required.



Students are able to (1) explain theory relevant to the field of educational leadership; (2) critically analyse international, national and state level policies and practices relevant to educational leadership; (3) relate theories of educational leadership to personal experiences and practices through a process of reflection and discussion; and (4) demonstrate a capacity to think about leadership issues and problem solving in relation to educational organisations.


EDUC 5620 - The Dissertation

The dissertation (10,000 words) provides evidence that the student can generate a problem and/or research area from his/her own interests or professional work in education, demonstrate mastery of that area, and show a capacity to review it critically. Seminars focus on research design, critical literature review and policy analysis.



Students are able to (1) generate a problem and/or research area from their own interests or professional work in education; (2) critically review the background research in that area; and (3) produce a coherent and cohesive dissertation with the nominated area.


Please note that the units listed may be subject to changes.

The Programme Delivery

The teaching methods used in all courses encourage interaction and discussion. This is in the belief that learning at postgraduate level is best when based on extensive student-teacher and student-student interaction. In addition, the curriculum and readings for all units in this course put students in touch with latest international theory, thinking and trends, in order to broaden and internationalise students' understandings. Participants are encouraged to apply these understandings to contemporary education issues in Singapore, and to use a research-oriented approach in pursuing their interests. All lecture sessions and supervision are conducted by the faculty members of the Graduate School of Education at UWA.


Each unit is delivered as follows:


  • 4 weeks of asynchronous tasks (e.g., watching pre-recorded lectures & consulting recommended resources) and interactions (e.g., on discussion boards, blogs or wikis)

  • 2 days of synchronous interactions over an intensive weekend (e.g., verbal discussions, live polls, document annotations)


Together, the asynchronous and synchronous sessions amount to approximately 25 hours of contact time (with additional tasks to be completed in students’ own time), which is similar to the on-campus M.Ed. program in Perth.


As the assessment is by coursework, students need to submit their assignments about 6 weeks after the completion of each unit.


This course will pave the way for you to move into various leadership positions within schools as well as in other educational organisations.

Admission Requirements

(a)(i) a three year Bachelor's degree and a Graduate Diploma, or equivalent qualifications as recognised by UWA, or
(ii) a four year Bachelor of Education or Graduate Diploma in Education or Master of Teaching, or an equivalent qualification as recognised by UWA, or
(iii) a Bachelor's degree requiring at least four years of full-time study
(b) at least two years of professional experience in a relevant occupation.

Ranking and Selection Process

Where relevant, admission will be awarded to the highest ranked applicants or applicants selected based on the relevant requirements.

English Competency

English is the language of instruction and assessment at UWA and you will need to meet the English language requirements of the University to be eligible for a place.


Please click here for information on the faculty.

Registration & Enquiries

Application is now open for the 2022 cohort. Please click here for the course schedule, fees and application procedures.


Please contact Joseph Loy at tel: +65 6363 0330 or email: Alternatively, you can register your interest in studying the Master of Education here.

UEN No: and PEI Registration No: 201723302Z 

Registration Period: 17-02-2024 to 16-02-2028

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